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MicroBuddies can self-replicate and pass on their traits when fed a sufficient amount of GOO.
Replicating a MicroBuddy at the GRC requires paying a replication fee equal to . Where RecessiveBonus is:
For each recessive trait which would score a dominant value above 17 in GOO production, add:
Replicating a MicroBuddy at the standard replicator without access to artificial selection costs simply .
99% of all replication fees (including artificial selection fees) are burnt. The remaining 1% is distributed equally between the founder MicroBuddies.
Learn more about GPD and Goo Production.
If your MicroBuddy doesn't have enough GOO, you can pay for replication fees with the GOO of your other Buddies.
The MicroBuddy that is minted from a replication event is always exactly one generation higher than its parent. For example, when a Generation 0 MicroBuddy replicates, it creates a Generation 1 MicroBuddy. When a Generation 1 MicroBuddy replicates, it creates a Generation 2 MicroBuddy, and so on. The max generation is 250.
There will never be more than 2500 Generation 0 MicroBuddies.
During replication, 6 traits, one from each type, are selected from a MicroBuddy's genome. The probability of a MicroBuddy inheriting its parent's dominant trait is always 40% (except when guaranteed by artificial selection).
The odds of receiving a particular recessive trait is entirely determined by its position in the parent's genome. The percentage chance for this can be calculated as:
Where position is a number between 1 and 4, with 4 being the trait highest on the list of recessive traits in a parent's genome, and 1 being the lowest.
Some trait combos, when the rarest is present as the dominant trait in the genome, are guaranteed to produce a new, highly productive mutated trait as a dominant trait in the next generation. Players will have to hunt down which trait combos produce mutations.
Before initiating a replication, a MicroBuddy may receive any of the following at the Genetic Recombobulator (GRC) for extra replication fees:
For an additional payment of the replication fee, a single trait may be locked in as guaranteed dominant for the next replication. This action may be repeated up to three times per replication.
For an additional payment of 35% of the replication fee, a single recessive trait may be rerolled into a trait of the same rarity or better for the next generation. This action may be repeated up to four times per replication.
During a reroll, a random is first drawn to determine trait rarity, as follows:
50% chance for Common
38% chance for Rare
8% chance for Legendary
4% chance for Exalted
Next, a trait ID from the chosen rarity is randomly selected, weighted so that lower IDs are more likely than higher IDs. Below is the formula for determining the probability of a given trait ID, where min is the lowest trait ID for the rarity, and max is the highest.
Note: For common Tops, Body Patterns, and Bottoms, there is an additional 10% chance to grant a null.
Each new recessive trait is sent to the furthest position in the genome (less likely to become dominant right away).
A trait with rarity higher than common inherits the odds of all the rarities below it. I.e. a Legendary trait has a 95% chance to be Legendary (49 + 38 + 8), and a 5% chance to be Exalted.
Every MicroBuddy has a finite amount of replications, between 0 and 6, determined at birth. The higher the generation, the more likely the replications will be lower. Additionally, with each replication a MicroBuddy becomes less GOO productive, something you can read about here. When a MicroBuddy has depleted all of its replications, it becomes barren.
Other than Founder MicroBuddies, Generation 0 MicroBuddies all have exactly 5 replications, which means there can be a maximum of 12,450 Generation 1 MicroBuddies.